An Fonteyne – Kanal, Brussels

Kanal, Brüssel
© Kim Zwarts

AN Fonteyne
© Eline Willaert

An Fonteyne is a partner at noAarchitecten in Brussels and Professor of Affective Architectures at ETH Zurich.
noAarchitecten was founded in 2000 together with Jitse van den Berg and Philippe Viérin. From the beginning, the practice has focused on working with existing buildings for public programmes. They have developed a personal approach that combines craftsmanship, technical knowledge and a love of narrative and history. noAarchitecten strives to take care of future generations by producing buildings and spaces with an intelligence that allows them to adapt to future needs. Contextual continuity and a broad understanding of sustainability, in technical, cultural and social terms, are guiding principles in the creation of conscious and critical projects.
Since 2017, An Fonteyne has also been a partner in Atelier Kanal, the architectural collective founded by noAarchitecten, EM2N (Zurich) and Sergison Bates (London) to transform the former Citroën garage in Brussels into KANAL-Centre Pompidou, a museum and workshop for modern and contemporary art, performance and architecture. Combining practice and teaching, she is particularly interested in the agency of architecture in its potential to affect and be affected, with a particular interest in situated knowledge. Before joining ETH Zurich, An Fonteyne was a lecturer at TU Delft and a professor at the University of Hasselt. She lives and works in Brussels and Zurich.